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Windows 10 change screenshot location

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Also the function is ctrl+prtsc for Dropbox save rather than win+prtsc. After that I just move files to another folder. When it does it used a time date naming convention. I use Dropbox and it has a save to Dropbox feature. That is how it looks if you just load your files into ReNamer for inspection: You can either create a shortcut for executing it on demand or adding it as a Scheduled Task to be executed periodically. The below method is also applicable to Windows 7 and 8.

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Just open the Settings app and then navigate to System > Storage. This command opens ReNamer with the selected preset, loads all files from the specified folder, renames all files and closes automatically if no issues have occurred. Note: If you are looking to move the default save locations of apps, documents, music, pictures and videos on your C drive, then Windows 10 has a simpler way. (Exact paths and preset name will need to be adjusted to fit your setup) Now, you can use your saved preset to automatically rename files by using a command line: 'C:\Programs\ReNamer\ReNamer.exe' /rename 'My Preset Name' 'C:\Users\Username\Screenshots' This can be setup so that it can be ran either on demand, or periodically via scheduled tasks.

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The idea is to setup a batch renaming program to automatically rename all those screenshots to your desired pattern using the last modified file time.