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Mastering the mix levels plugin

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You can see a list of tracks in my collection at the foot of this post.

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This takes a bit of time and research but it’s absolutely worth it. In your collection, you should have tracks that you feel are in the top 5% ‘sonically’ in that genre. Focus on the genres you work in but try to have some others too. So we’re up against a few hurdles here, but the technique I’ll explain will improve the low- end of your masters, even in the most basic studio set-ups.īuild up a collection of tracks that you think sound absolutely incredible. Even when we have great monitors and acoustic treatment how can we be sure of Acoustic treatment is expensive BUT essential for any monitors (expensive or not) toīe effective. Monitors with great low-end response are super expensive.Let’s start with why nailing the low-end is so difficult:

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Since I implemented this technique I can honestly say that my mastering business has dramatically improved (more than doubled!) I hope that this technique helps you too, whether it’s growing your studio business or simply nailing the master of a track that will further your career as an artist. I have a process that helps me set the perfect amount of bass for my clients every time. Not enough bass and your track will sound weak. Too much bass and your track will sound bloated and lack clarity. This is where so many potentially awesome tracks fail.